Don’t get caught up in what others expect of you

Natasha Sniehirova
1 min readNov 3, 2023

Don’t get so caught up in what others expect of you that you forget to pay attention to yourself.

Give yourself permission to disappoint people.

It can be scary to disappoint people. And this is an entirely reasonable fear. However, disappointing people is practically the first step towards living a life in alignment with yourself, your values, beliefs, and desires. Towards living a life that is truly yours.

I am not saying that disappointing people is something you should aim at. But it is something to accept as a potential side effect of honouring yourself. Otherwise, you will be living a life that revolves around pleasing others. And you will be a victim in your own life simply because you give everyone outside of yourself power over you.

Don’t sacrifice yourself too much. Prioritize yourself and your own needs. Put on your own oxygen mask first and all that. Because when you take care of yourself, you show up as a better person for others.

Do you prioritize what others want over what you need?



Natasha Sniehirova

I believe that having a growth mindset plays a key role in successful life