Instant or long-term gratification?

Natasha Sniehirova
2 min readJan 6, 2024

There is an ongoing battle in our minds between the present and the future. The battle between what we know is good for us in the long term versus what we want to do right now.

Multiple experts tell us to devote more energy towards “good things come to those who wait” future experiences. They are certain that delaying gratification is the only choice that can lead us to higher levels of willpower and reaching our goals. So they encourage us to sacrifice tangible, pleasurable, and instantly gratifying things now for the achievement of our life’s most important goals.

However, I personally believe in mixing short-term and long-term based decision-making.
I’ve always had a very clear image of what I want to achieve in life. And I’ve made sacrifices, investments, and choices with that image clear in mind, and that would bring me closer to those goals of mine.

But if there’s anything I’ve learned in my life for the past few years it’s that life happens right now. Some things require a short-term approach in order to even happen at all!
For example, taking a break after 6 years at university to spend a few months traveling with friends was perhaps not the best decision looking at the “the sooner you start working the better” point of view. But having made this decision to follow my goals “right now” than the ones for the future, I did something for myself that I will never forget. A true treasure in my resume of life.

My short summary is to mix them both.

Are you a “strike while the iron is hot” or a “good things come to those who wait” type of person?

Für alle, die deutsch sprechen, hier eine kurze Zusammenfassung: Meine Meinung ist, wir sollten beide Arten mischen. Sei nicht zu sehr damit beschäftigt, langfristige Erfüllung anzustreben, denn Du könntest die Momente verpassen, die direkt vor Dir liegen.

Bist du eher ein “Iss, solange es heiß ist”- oder ein “Gut Ding will Weile haben”-Charakter?



Natasha Sniehirova

I believe that having a growth mindset plays a key role in successful life