Raise your words, not your voice

A lot of emotions is everywhere right now and I believe that emotions can be part of change if used the right way..

Releasing your emotions isn’t enough. It’s not enough to feel and show your emotions. You really need to get to know your emotional triggers, so you know where your insecurities and pain points lie. And only you are responsible for educating yourself further!

Learn to regulate your emotions so you’re not constantly reacting. Yes, it takes practice and consistency. And it is not easy but so worth it. Otherwise, if you continue to over react to every misgiving or perceived slight, you’ll end up alone. Who can tolerate that?

This is something I’ve been working on. And I promise to keep working on it.

Because I don’t believe in pointing fingers. I believe in educating ourselves and each other with good intentions. Genially wanting others to understand where you came from, giving them your perspective, not calling them out.

I’ll continue to share things I find helpful and important. And I hope that is ok.



Natasha Sniehirova

I believe that having a growth mindset plays a key role in successful life