Things that define future winners in life

Natasha Sniehirova
2 min readJan 13, 2022

Something I have noticed in life and has especially been magnified through social media is the difference between winners and losers.

Future winners in life:
☑They never talk negatively of others. They see people doing better than them and they don’t think “I’m going to write a jealous comment”. They simply don’t need to. Instead, they see someone do well and get inspired.
☑They are able to realize when they are wrong, excuse for it, and learn from it.

Losers in life:
☑They fear other people’s success. They want to bring those doing better than them down in order to try and look better.
☑They live a whole life always acting as if it is others’ fault when things go wrong will never grow, change, and become better.

It’s very normal to feel down or depressed and see people doing better than you in life. 24/7 social media reminds me other people are more successful, smarter, etc. But I think to myself that’s a good thing. If someone else can do it, then I can! I’m motivated by others’ success.

Moral of the story:
☑Hating is a reflection that you have given up and only way you can get ahead is to tear others down.
☑Feelings of satisfaction when others struggle, or feelings of bitterness when others win, is a tremendous sign that major self-work is needed.
☑When looking for people to surround yourself with always look for people who are able to admit when they behave poorly, and who do something about it.

Be inspired by other people’s success.
Be motivated seeing others doing well and realize you can do it as well. Tearing others down is not a sign of winning or strength.
Be nice. Nice people don’t finish last. They win in the end :)



Natasha Sniehirova

I believe that having a growth mindset plays a key role in successful life